Monday, July 29, 2013

S-unit equation - part I

Let $K$ be a number field, and let $S$ be a finite collection of places of $K$, including all the infinite places. We say $x$ is an $S$-unit if $v(x)=0$ for all $x \not \in S$. Let $O_S$ be the set of all $S$-units.
An $S$-unit equation is an equation of the form $ax+by=1$ with $a, b$ given, $x,y \in O_S$ and $x$ and $y$ coprime to each other. It is well known that if $a,b$ and $S$ are given, then we can effectively solve the $S$-unit equation $ax+by=1$, in the sense that we can find an explicit bound using Baker's effective linear forms of logarithms. In fact, with the work of Smart, Wildanger, et. al., it seems possible to solve most reasonable $S$-unit equations (i.e. when $S$ is not too large.)

I will try to put the details of how this can be done (as far as I understand it) in this post. To simplify the exposition, we will work over rationals, and we let $a=b=1$. (I think generalizing to other cases is clear.) In this case, given $S=\{p_0=\infty, p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k\}$, we are asked to find $\alpha=(\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_k)^t$ and $\beta=(\beta_1,\ldots,\beta_k)^t$ so that
\[ \prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{\alpha_i} + \prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{\beta_i} = 1. \]
Therefore $v_i(x)=\alpha_i$ and $v_i(y)=\beta_i$. We let $u_i=p_i$ (for $1 \leq i \leq k$) to be more consistent with some of the papers on this subject.

Let $||\alpha|| = \max_i |\alpha|$ and $||\beta||=\max_i |\beta_i|$. We will assume without loss of generality $||\alpha|| \geq ||\beta||$. We use two different estimates that together will give us a bound on $||\beta||$.
First, we give a bound on $|x|_p$ in terms of $||\alpha||$. In particular, let
$X = (\log |x|_{p_0}, \log |x|_{p_1}, \ldots, \log |x|_{p_k})$, and let
\[{\mathcal L}= ( \log |u_i|_{p_j} )_{1 \leq i \leq k, 0 \leq j \leq k}. \]
Then we have $X = {\mathcal L} \alpha.$ It is easy to see that ${\mathcal L}$ has a left inverse. Let ${\mathcal L^*}$ be such an inverse. Then, we get ${\mathcal L^*} X = \alpha$, and in particular
\[ ||\alpha|| = ||{\mathcal L^*} \cdot X || \leq ||{\mathcal L^*}|| \cdot ||X||. \] Therefore, we get $||X || \geq ||\alpha||/C_H$, and note that $C_H$ is totally independent on $\alpha$ and $\beta$ (although it does depend on few choices we make (such as, which inverse we choose). Hajdu has a paper on how one can optimize the value of $C_H$, as result, we call $C_H$ the Hajdu's constant here, even though I don't use his techniques yet.)
Now, let $p_m$ be such that $\log |x|_{p_m} \leq \log |x|_p$ for all $p \in S$. Since $\sum_p \log |x|_p = 0$, we get that $\log |x|_{p_m} \leq - {||X|| \over k} \leq -{||\alpha||\over C_H k}$. Therefore we get $|x|_{p_m} \leq e^{- ||\alpha|| \over C_H k}$. Notice that $|x|_{p_m} \leq 0.5.$

 Now there are two cases to consider, when $p_m=\infty$ and $p_m \neq \infty$. In both cases, we get $|x|_{p_m} \simeq |-\log (1-x)|_{p_m}$ (when $p_m \not = \infty,$ it is equality). Therefore
\[|x|_{p_m} \simeq |\log_{p_m} (1-x)|_{p_m} = |\log y|_{p_m} = |\sum_i \beta_i \log_{p_m} p_i | . \] Using bounds of the linear forms of logarithm from Baker and Yu, we get
$|\sum_i \beta_i \log{p_m} p_i|>||\beta||^{-C_{S,p}}$. Putting these two together, we get
\[ -C_{S,p_m} \log ||\beta|| < \log |x|_{p_m} < -{||\alpha|| \over C_H k}. \]
Multiplying by negative one, we get
\[ ||\alpha||Clearly, $A$ grows much faster than $\log(A)$, therefore the above inequality gives us a bound for $||\alpha||$. In fact, a quick computation tells that if we let $K=kC_H C_{S,p_m}$, then the above inequality forces $||\alpha|| \leq K \log K (1+\epsilon)$.

Applying the above method for the case $S=\{ \infty, 2,3,5,7,11,13,17\}$ and using the Mateev and Yu's results on linear forms of logarithms, we get $||\alpha|| < 2.6 \times 10^{24}$.

In the next posts, I will try to explain how we can lower this bound considerably.

Monday, April 15, 2013

profinite topology

Recently I've been using something similar to Mordell-Weil sieve to study certain Diophantine equations. This has been pretty successful, which is wonderful. And I've been wondering, if these are successful since I am lucky, I am not unlucky, or because this is just going to work. Here is a bit more clear explanation (I'm going to focus in 1-d version).

We can actually abstract the sieving problem I'm facing with in the following way. Say for any prime $p$, we have a set $S_p \subset \ZZ$, and we have that $\bigcup S_p = \ZZ$. Can we find a finite subset of primes so that $\bigcup S_p = \ZZ$? In the particular case that I'm faced with the sets $S_p = \cup (a+m_p \ZZ)$ with $m_p>0$ (in fact, $m_p=\#E(\FF_p)$). Will there always be a finite subcover in here? This, of course, will be true if $\ZZ$ is compact under a certain topology for integers (I think it is called profinite topology). I'm guessing that $\ZZ$ is not compact under profinite topology though (otherwise, that would make life a lot nicer). However, I am still unsure on weather or not in my particular case, these particular open coverings of $\ZZ$ have a finite subcover or not.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


I have my student working on finding primitive integer solutions to some Diophantine equations of the form $C:y^2=x^3+Dz^{12}$. This is a genus two curve (in the appropriate weighted projective space), and it is a double cover of an elliptic curve, so computation of the Mordell-Weil rank is usually pretty straightforward. Say we find a $D$ so that the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3+D$ has rank $2$, but we suspect that there are no non-primitive solutions there. Can we prove this? I suspect that a simple a Mordell-Weil sieving should give us the desired result, and it seems pretty successful so far. However, it seems the trivial solutions
$(1,1,0)$ is causing some trouble for us. Right now, we're trying to figure out if there is a way of getting pass this problem.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Coin removing problem,

Here is a classic problem from combinatorial game theory/high school math contest:
There are 100 coins on the table, and there are two players that take turn, each taking 1, 2, or 3 coins from the pile. The person who can not move, loses. Who wins and what is the winning strategy?
If you haven't seen this before, I'm sure you can solve it after a little bit of playing around. Of course the 100 coins is just a red herring, and the winning strategy is all that matters.Furthermore, if the possible moves were 1,2,3,...,n coins, then the problem is about the same level of difficulty. However, I think this problem is a lot more tricky if the possible moves are chosen randomly. Say, each player can remove 3,5 or 8 coins. So, here is a problem that I like to know how to solve:
Given a set S, the set of possible moves, describe the set of positive integers so that player 1 has a winning strategy.
I'm not sure if there is a nice answer to this, however, I'm still curious if there is a way of computing this.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

installing sage on sharcnet,

I've been trying to install sage on sharcnet for the past little while. There are few problems that come up when I try doing that, and I'm storing the experience here, in case I succeed, I can try it again.

  • sharcnet uses pathscale as the default compiler, and it is recommended to me to compile using pathscale. pathscale has version 2.x.x, which is less than gcc 4.1.x that sage recommends. As result, I have to edit prereq-0.7/configure to get rid of it. (To install prereq, one should run {}/base/prereq-0.7-install)
  • I need to have CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, FCFLAG set, otherwise SAGE decides to set them to bunch of flags that causes problem on pathscale.
  • after prereq, the next problem shows up in termcap. The -D flag for cc and gcc seem to be different. (This might be sharcnet preprocessing things.) Getting rid of the (unnecessary) offending -D flag makes it work. While making a patch, I notice that CFLAG is just over ridden. I'm changing that.

Friday, January 8, 2010

testing latex javascrip code.

I came across watchmath, and supposedly there are instructions to make latex code work on blogger. Specifically, something like $f(x)=x^2$ should look nice right now. I'm not sure if it is working though. Hmm... what about $$f(x)=x^2$$? What about ${f(x)=x^2}$?

I see, my template was causing some problem. Appologies for the ugly template, but now I can use latex code.

Monday, November 9, 2009

WSJ article

Wall Street Journal had an article with the title: Russia's Conquering Zero. There is also a big picture of $\zeta(s)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty {1 \over n^s}$. Now, what would you suppose the article is about? Here is the link for the curious.